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Teri Kelley’s Bake-off Contest

Show off your kitchen talents with one of our many competitions.  Whether you like to bake cookies or have a famous apple pie recipe or just have the most amazing jam ever - we want to see it and taste it! Categories for kids and adults! Amateur bakers only - no professionals!


Local celebrity judges will taste and vote on their favorites and winners will get gift cards to local restaurants. 


Categories include:


  • Breads

  • Cakes

  • Pies

  • Sweet Treats





Grand marshal Award -Edward DeTemple with pumpkin cheesecake


Terri Kelley award(best of show) - Alana Logan with Blueberry crumble cheesecake



1st place- Bettie Shaw

2nd place - Donald Freeborn

3rd. place - LuAnn Borrego



1st place - Ashley Ianneo

2nd. place Connie Mooney

3rd place - Mary Anne Pereira



1st place - -Ellen & Lauren Tellander

2nd place- Ellen Tellander

3rd place - Joshua Ayers



1st place: Luann Borrego

2nd place - Connie Mooney

3rd place - Cheryl Carina



1st place - Anthony Damian

2nd place - Tie Sheila Walter & Patricia Duchene

3rd place - Connie Mooney



1st place - Vanessa Vargas

2nd place - Jadd Martinez

3rd place - Tracy Clark


14 and under category:


1st place - Emery White

2nd place - Roman Leon

3rd place - Tie Olivia Walsh & Lucy Nelson



1st place - Emmy Wahl

2nd place - Kenzie Kestler

3rd place - Paislee Garcia



1st place - Paislee Garcia

2nd place - Dietrich Hoover

3rd place - Emery White


Best in Show: Bridget Twomey


Thank you to all the winners

Contestant Information

There will be three (3) categories for 14 and under.

1.  Breads

2.  Sweets

3.  Cookies

Title of your Entry/Entries - Enter as many as you like

By clicking on the submit button, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Arroyo Grande Valley Harvest Festival Association, City of Arroyo Grande, Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association, South County Historical Society, County of San Luis Obispo, against any and all liability, loss, damages, cost, or expense which said entities may hereafter incur, suffer, or be required to pay by reason of the undersigned entry in the Arroyo Grande Valley Harvest Festival Bake-Off Competition. Further, by signing your name below, you have read and agree to abide by the Bake-Off Competition.  You must submit a list of ingredients with allergens listed with your entry at the Festival. You acknowledge participants may be photographed while utilizing the facility, services, or participating in Arroyo Grande Harvest Festival and that said photographs, or likenesses, may be used to publicize activities as the Festival Committee deems appropriate. You further verify that you are 18 years of age or older. If not, you must notify your parent of submission.

Thanks for submitting!

This event could not happen for over 80 years without the helps of so many selfless volunteers and sponsors. If you would like to participate in this memorable event, please contact

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​Telephone : 805-503-0912

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See you at Olohan Alley - the Parking Lot behind the Village of Arroyo Grande.

For Google/Map instructions, enter Centennial Park, 200 Olohan Alley, Arroyo Grande.

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