Arroyo Grande is rich in history whose earliest inhabitants were the Chumash Indians. The Arroyo Grande Valley was found to have particularly fertile ground allowing a rich produce supply that continues to this day. The area was given a Spanish name that translates into multiple meanings, "Big Gulch", "Muddy Creek", "Big Ditch", Arroyo Grande was to become a prosperous and important ranch and farm community.
This page gives you some insight into the many facets and stories that make up our little town of Arroyo Grande.
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Arroyo Grande History
Click HERE to check out the YouTube Playlist
Part 1. Glimpses of Arroyo Grande’s History: Settlement and our “Wild West” days. (25:30)
Part 3. Three Waves of Immigration; the early 20th Century. (23:15)
​Heroes: Arroyo Grande's Japanese community and World War II
Arroyo Grande between the Wars
Part 2. New Directions. (20:22)
Part 4. World War II. (25:24)
Arroyo Grande's Civil War Generation
Our Aviation Heritage
Video of the Harvest Festival Parade from the 30s
Enjoy some fun photos from year's past
Arroyo Grande History
The History of Branch Street